Thursday 2 April 2009

Thatchers and badgers at Cogges Farm

A badger's tunnel appeared recently in the middle of the riverside walk path at Cogges Farm. Investigation by The Oxfordshire Badger Group proved it to be a 'trial trench' (not a newly occupied set) and staff have been able to backfill the hole and thus re-open the path to visitors for this coming season! A watching brief will be kept on the area.

Work is due to start on the roof of the farmyard shelter shed at the beginning of April. The thatchers (Rumpelstiltsk) will re-thatch the 'bundle thatched' roof, which is expected to take two months to complete. Visitors will be able to see work in progress and the craftsmen are only too happy to explain their work and have, in fact, attended Cogges several times over the past few years to demonstrate thatching techniques.

The farm re-opens to the public on Tuesday 7th April.

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