Friday 2 January 2009

Cogges Farm - still an uncertain future

In spite of record visitor numbers in 2008 and a tourism award, Cogges farm has faced an uncertain future. In November the Cabinet of Oxfordshire County Council agreed several recommendations from the Cogges Project Board. In theory these plans will secure the future for this historic site in Witney, but the reality is less assured.

The County Council will continue to run Cogges Farm during 2009, but on a reduced subsidy (cut from £250 to £160k), so it will only be open to the public from 7th April to 31st August. Make the most of it! Season ticket prices were dramatically reduced last year and will be held for 2009, which is pretty good value as the seaon ticket price is equivalent to paying for three individual visits.

During this time a new charitable trust will be created, to take over day-to-day running of the museum from the council in 2010. This is a major step forwards, because the trust will have to freedom to attract sponsors and outside funding that is not open to council-run attractions. In addition the Council is committed to continuing a subsidy of £160k per year and to offer match funding of £150k for any necessary capital work (i.e. building improvements).

That's the good news. However, even when fully subsidised (£250k per year) Cogges was run on a shoestring and utterly reliant on the goodwill of staff and volunteers putting in many hours of hard graft. The barns, which could be a huge asset if converted to a high enough standard to hold weddings and conferences, need substantial investment. In other words the new trust will need to raise a huge amount of money to top up the Council subsidy before it takes over running Cogges Farm in 2010.

There's still a long way to go ....

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